Businesses have already started promoting their Black Friday sales with most already running deals ahead of the day. So how do you keep up and stand out? If you feel like you’re too late to the Black Friday party and can’t compete, don’t panic! Here’s 3 tips that won’t take heaps of time and will gain exposure and conversions on Black Friday.

Before we start though, you need to decide what you’re offering. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something the customer actually wants. It doesn’t have to be across your whole product range or be a huge 60% off. It just needs to be desirable. We also suggest a FLASH SALE! Grab people’s attention with a time limit. Don’t give them chance to think, ‘I’ll come back to that later’. Everyone’s doing week-long or even two week-long sales. Promote a flash sale and make it something your customers really want!

Boost Black Friday Posts on Social media

Social media offers huge amounts of potential for sales any time of year, but particularly around Black Friday. Boosting your Facebook and Instagram ads will help gain exposure. Here’s some simple steps to getting social media right for a last-minute Black Friday push!

  1. Use Canva to create an ad. There are tons of readymade templates for you to choose from. Make it eye-catching with an obvious call to action…BUY NOW!
  2. Use specific targeting in your ads to gain the right exposure and see more conversions. Drill right down to your target customer. Facebook is great for this. Pick a person’s interests, location, income and more!
  3. Make sure that the link used is conversion friendly. Don’t ask the user to buy and then send them to a landing page that isn’t set up for your offer. Which leads us nicely into…

Optimise your Website for Black Friday Sales

Make it clear when users visit your website what your Black Friday offer is and have a call to action that takes them straight to where they can buy. It can be as simple as updating your banner image to say Black Friday and the details of the offer. Call to actions that take the user straight to buy really do work! Make it easy for customers to convert and they will!                   

Exclusive Black Friday Offers via Email

Sending your mailing list an exclusive offer will spike interest for sure. Give them a code in the email that they can use at checkout for their loyalty. Making people feel appreciated and like they’re getting something exclusive gets people’s attention!

Every business wants to make the most of the boost in sales during Black Friday but with so much competition it can seem impossible. Our tips plus your existing knowledge of your customers and what they want will help you grab attention this Black Friday.

If you need help with ads get in touch. We can help create an ad, boost it across social channels and measure your success. Call us on 0113 357 0440 or get in touch via our contact form