Written by Trio Media

The rise of video continues to be a hot topic in the world of digital marketing, with a recent survey highlighting that people are watching an average 18 hours of online video per week and the usage is likely to continue in 2021 and beyond.

With more people spending longer watching videos, brands have the ability to supercharge their business growth and connect to more consumers. If content is king, then surely video is the crown jewel and we’ve put together five phenomenal benefits of video marketing. 

  1. Turbocharge conversions
  2. Build brand awareness
  3. Reach the top of search engines
  4. Grab the attention of decision makers
  5. Keep your finger on the pulse

1.    Turbocharge conversions

One of the major benefits of video is that it provides a massive boost to conversion rates and leads by up to 84%. The reasons behind this are tied to the nature of the medium.

Videos are highly visual and engaging. They appeal to how our brains download information and help to convey messages and stories in a short amount of time.

2.    Build brand awareness

Creating brand awareness and trust in your audience is key to driving more sales and turning website visitors into life-long brand ambassadors. Video is the platform in which you can deliver engaging content that creates trust and turns you into a thought leader.

Social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and TikTok provide businesses with plenty of opportunity to create the kind of authentic videos that build trust.

 An example could involve a healthcare brand using Instagram Live to talk directly to their audience about their cosmetic products or using TikTok to start their own branded healthcare challenge tied to their latest offering.

3.    Reach the top of search engines

Another benefit of video marketing is that it improves how brands rank in search engines like Google. In fact, embedding a video into a blog increases organic search traffic by a whopping 157%!

The reason behind this is that videos keep viewers on a page for longer and Google takes into consideration a metric called dwell time, which contributes towards search engine ranking.

Ensure that you optimise your videos for best Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) practices, which could involve creating a blog post with a video transcript and including relevant keywords.

4.    Grab the attention of decision-makers

According to HubSpot, 84% of people are swayed into making a purchasing decision after watching a video, highlighting the opportunity that video marketing presents for reaching decision makers.

Video is an ideal medium for conveying helpful information to senior executives, business leaders and shoppers across multiple sectors. For example, a business that sold construction equipment could include a video on every product page to break down complex technical information.

Decision-makers in the construction space may feel more confident in making a buying decision now that they understand the specifications of a product and how it would benefit their business.

5.    Keep your finger on the pulse

Video is an ever-evolving content medium that will continue to offer brands new opportunities to stand out as thought leaders and provide real value for their customers.

By keeping an eye on emerging video trends and putting them into practice, you’ll be in a much better position to drive online growth, future proof your business and build stronger connections with your audience.

Embrace the power of video marketing today

As specialists in video marketing, Trio Media offers video creation services that cover all video content types and social media platforms.

Whether you want to put your brand on the map through TikTok or build a high-level YouTube strategy, we’re here to help. Contact us today at info@trio-media.co.uk or get in touch via our online form.