A Guide to Trio’s SEO Services

Written by Trio Media

At Trio we believe that even though SEO can be complicated, it should never be confusing.

We’ve had more than one client come to us thinking that SEO was strictly for wizards and web geeks. Some of them had been paying for SEO services for years, with no real idea what they were paying for.

Now sometimes, the technically-minded aren’t the best at explaining themselves, it’s true.

But sometimes it’s about the smoke and mirrors, hiding a rubbish deal (or their lack of skills) behind jargon.

While we’re happy to do what we do best and leave the client to run their business (that’s what you’re paying us for, after all) we also believe in transparency.

We love it when a client takes an active interest in learning more about what we do, and before we get to work on your SEO, we’ll work with you to create a bespoke SEO package based on the digital marketing needs of your business.

We’ll try and stop talking before you zone out (hard sometimes, we’re kind of passionate about it), but we’ll make sure you’ve got what you need to understand what you’re paying for. As Albert Einstein allegedly once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

Trio SEO – An Overview

After our initial consultation, we’ll create a 6-month SEO strategy, based around the three central pillars of SEO – Technical SEO, On-page SEO, and Off-page SEO. Here’s a rough guide to what you can expect us to deliver;

Technical SEO is all about your website – does it glide like a Tesla, or clank like an old Austin Allegro? Our team of developers will keep your tech in tip-top condition.

  • We’ll provide an initial website health overhaul, with regular check-ups to check that your website is performing to the highest standard possible.
  • We’ll implement some additional tools that will give you a competitive advantage with your SEO – tools like XML site maps, and Schema markup which will put you ahead of the 69% who still aren’t using it.
  • We’ll ensure your site is optimised for speed, with image compression and caching – it’s estimated that 40% of visitors won’t stay if your website takes longer than three seconds to load.
  • We’ll manage your redirects, keeping all your relevant pages accessible and clearing out the scrap, so you can avoid the dreaded 404s.

On-page SEO is about your content and keywords. Do your keywords match your visitors’ search intentions? Does your content answer their questions? If you’re with us it does!

  • Full Keyword Research report, with ongoing page-by-page keyword optimisation, and all major keywords tracked so we can see how your site’s ranking changes for that keyword.
  • Content and keywords adjusted to suit your geographic targeting – are your SEO targets local, national or global? We’ve got strategies to suit all three.
  • We’ll identify pages that are under-performing, and make improvements and additions to the content.
  • We’ll put our content writers to work, providing blog content that will galvanise your SEO keyword strategy. We’ll entertain and inform your audience with relevant content that speaks their language in your tone of voice.
  • Competitor analysis will allow us to understand your rivals’ SEO strategies and positioning. We can see what works for them (and what doesn’t), in order to devise a digital marketing approach that’s uniquely your own.
  • We’ll fine-tune your meta-tags and descriptions, so that when you appear in search results your visitors will be hooked before they’ve even clicked.

Off-page SEO puts your optimised website to work, making sure that your lovely content pops up in all the right places. With the right links, we can establish your website as an authority to be trusted and listened to.

  • We’ll build links to high-quality business directories and social bookmarking sites, specific to your industry. We focus only on high domain authority sites.
  • With backlink maintenance, we’re constantly reviewing your link profile, removing broken links that lead to nowhere, and disavowing toxic links that’ll put you in the Google doghouse.
  • For our Enterprise SEO packages, we devise a PR strategy to seek out link opportunities with household name websites. We’ll reach out to journalists with comments, responses, and press releases to supercharge your domain.

See, that wasn’t too painful, was it? With every one of our bespoke SEO packages, you can expect a monthly SEO report, with a breakdown of your keyword rankings, your website traffic and performance, and how your conversions have been generated from organic search. All the info you need at a glance, explained so even old Albert would be happy.

If you’d like to know more about our approach to SEO you can watch our CEO Claire Daniels share insights and discussions in the Bobble Digital Bobble Pod series.

Have you been hoodwinked by shady SEO wizards? Tell us all about it in the comments. Or if you’re ready for an SEO package that delivers, then get in touch with Trio Media on 0113 357 0440.