Unfiltered: The importance of authenticity on social media

Image of a woman taking a selfie for Social Media

As technology advances and fake content becomes more prevalent, it’s no wonder ‘Authentic’ was chosen as Merriam-Webster’s word of the year in 2023. It’s what all brands should aim for, considering how tired audiences are of seeing perfectly curated, overly edited, and downright fake posts everywhere they look on social media.

The rise of TikTok has played a big part in pushing for more authenticity on social media, especially in short-form videos. This is because it’s removed many barriers to entry for users, meaning it’s easier than ever to share your life online in real time. Many businesses could massively benefit from incorporating this style of authentic content into their organic social media plans.

So, keep reading to discover why authenticity is crucial – and get some practical tips on creating more genuine content.

Why is authenticity important on organic social media? 

1. A consumer’s sense of self

Consumers tend to select products based on appropriateness for self-image. The same can be said for the social media accounts they follow.

If your audience can relate to your content, they’ll feel more inclined to engage with it, or even convert or purchase. This highlights the importance of doing comprehensive audience research before creating your social media strategy and content, but also the importance of authenticity.

Show the reason behind starting your brand, any struggles you’ve faced and customers using the products (UGC) – it may be something your audience relates to.

2. Digitally savvy audiences

There’s a recent phenomenon of older generations not being able to identify AI-generated images on Facebook – but younger audiences aren’t easily fooled by content they see online.

Millennials, Gen Z, and even Gen A are suspicious of what they see on social media, whether it’s an undisclosed ad, AI-written blogs or photoshopped images. Instead, they value unedited, raw content that’s less curated and ‘perfect’ – because at least they know it’s real.

3. The rise of User Generated Content 

You’ll probably have heard by now that many marketers claim influencer marketing is ‘dead’. The traditional influencer model appears dated in 2024 – slick, aspirational content pushing products they’ve never even used for vast sums of money. No wonder viewers fell out of love with this marketing approach.

Instead, we’re witnessing a shift towards user generated content (UGC), which is far more trustworthy, and effective, when it comes to converting or building brand reputation. By incorporating UGC into their marketing strategy, brands can tap into these authentic experiences.

How do I make my social media more authentic?

Making your social media more authentic can be a simple process, especially if you follow the tips below:

1. It’s not all about promotion

Create entertainment, rather than a feed full of adverts. Think of informative infographics, trend-based videos, quality imagery, and more. There needs to be a reason for people to buy into the brand and follow before you even ask them to purchase. This approach is more authentic than continuously posting about offers or discounts.

2. Embrace imperfection

Younger viewers are more interested in regular, trending content than ‘perfect’ and curated campaigns. There is space for both, but make sure to prioritise timely content that hasn’t been overly edited or refined – it’s more valuable than you think!

3. Incorporate UGC

User generated content achieves a much higher level of trust and engagement than sponsored content, and even content coming directly from the brand. It adds social proof and relatability to your brand.

UCG is even effective for paid social media. Our UGC guide teaches you how to incorporate it into your social ads.

Create authentic and effective social media content with Trio 

Make sure your brand resonates with your audience. See how our organic social media team can help your business with everything from strategy, SEO, copywriting and videography. Get in touch today!