Written by Trio Media

…and we’re on it (shameless plug @trio_media)

That’s right, TikTok is not just for dances and professional Kardashian lip syncers, it’s for businesses too!

TikTok has released TikTok for Business giving companies the opportunity to engage with the TikTok community and get their brand out there in one of the most creative ways available online. Similar to Instagram and Facebook stories, TikTok encourages ‘live’, authentic content by having music and editing elements inbuilt making editing and creating just what you need, easier.

Now you might be thinking, “what type of TikTok videos can a business make?” but with TikTok’s discovery page, that’s the last of your worries. With a HUGE range of topics, trends and hashtags to follow, you won’t be short on inspiration. TikTok also equips you with all the editing tools you could need, to make creative, engaging videos that will ensure your brand stands out. 

Right, back to business (excuse the pun), TikTok’s new platform for businesses, allows companies to create campaigns, set goals and check up on content analytics. It has been highlighted that the platform is not as detailed as others, such as Facebook and Twitter, but if TikTok has proved anything, it’s that it will continue to adapt to any situation. Despite it being a simpler business platform, companies who have jumped on the bandwagon, have found that knowing what is and isn’t working is enough guidance to steer them in the right direction. Along with the ability to create content and track your content’s performance, TikTok is also a great place to engage with customers, clients and other companies with likes, comments, reaction videos and duets.

So, if you’ve been wondering how your company can get involved in the ‘Don’t Make Ads. #MakeTikToks’ movement, here’s what you need to know…

  • TikTok is about creativity and authenticity
  • The ‘discover’ page is where you’ll find all the inspiration you need
  • The ‘for you’ page is content that TikTok targets you with, based off your behaviour on TikTok
  • You don’t need to start with thousands of followers before creating content
  • The more you learn about your TikTok audience, the better your videos will do
  • Use hashtags that are relevant to your content and brand
  • Create short and effective captions
  • Engage with relevant accounts
  • Have FUN!

Download TikTok, create a profile, ensure you pick the business profile option (also available in settings) and get CREATING! Oh and don’t forget to follow us @trio_media

 If you need more help understanding social media, or you want to work with an experienced Digital Marketing Agency to help with the tips we’ve outlined above, then contact us today on 0113 357 0440 or get in touch via our contact form.