From great user experience to strong search engine optimisation (SEO), there are a lot of factors that determine a high-quality website. To ensure your website is successful, it’s vital that you optimise it and make it stand out to consumers and bring in sales.

At Trio Media we use a variety of tools for creating eye-catching websites and here are our top website optimisation platforms.

SEM Rush

A powerful SEO tool, SEM Rush is ideal for gathering keywords and preparing your website to rank in search engines. It’s worth taking advantage of the multiple SEO features such as Keyword Magic and Site Audit.

Keyword Magic lets you research new keywords for creating new website content or improving existing copy. You have the option to research keywords across various countries and compare different types like broad match, phrase match and exact match keywords. 

Site Audit provides an overview of a website’s health, identifying broken internal links, analysing site performance and total crawlability. This is useful for addressing any technical SEO issues and improving overall performance.

Screaming Frog

Another of our favourite website optimisation tools is Screaming Frog. It has a suite of SEO features that help to enhance user experience, improve site ranking and more.

For example, you can carry out detailed content audits and examine all digital assets across the website. The content audit picks up issues like mixing alt text in images, duplicate copy on landing pages and poor-quality page titles.

You can also quickly edit meta descriptions for multiple pages, which comes in handy if you have an eCommerce website with thousands of products. 

Surreal CMS

When managing client websites, we use Surreal CMS and host all the domains in one place. Surreal is an excellent content management system that’s easy to use and has several benefits to embrace:

  • Effectively manage multiple websites in one dashboard
  • Easy editing of web pages
  • Accessible from multiple devices including mobile, desktop and tablet
  • Built-in Google Analytics dashboard for clients
  • A white label ready platform that can be customised based on client needs

Hemingway Editor

Named after the great novelist Ernest Hemingway, the Hemingway Editor is a copywriter’s best friend. It’s great for shaping website content, ensuring strong sentences, easy readability and appropriate wording.

When using the tool, sentences are highlighted in different colours to show different issues. For example, overly complex sentences are highlighted yellow, while passive voice is coloured green.


Whether you need to create striking blog banners or a bright logo, Canva is a wonderful tool to have in your digital marketing arsenal. An intuitive platform, Canva has countless templates that are simple to edit.

These templates include infographics, stickers, whitepapers, videos, social media posts and more. It’s good practice to experiment with different templates to see what works and what doesn’t on your website.

Step into the world of digital marketing with Trio Media

We’re happy to help you incorporate these platforms into your digital marketing strategy. Get in touch today on 0113 357 0440.