LinkedIn marketing

Reach the largest community of business professionals

For over 20 years, LinkedIn has connected over one billion professionals worldwide. From C-suite executives to directors, LinkedIn’s B2B audience of decision-makers is waiting to hear from you. With Trio on your team, we’ll deliver the right message to funnel your prospects into clients.

Our social media team develops LinkedIn marketing strategies that place your brand in front of decision-makers and drive real action. As LinkedIn partners, we have the tools, insight and skills to make the most from your paid ads, using granular data to create targeted campaigns. We’ll improve your lead generation and build your presence as a thought leader using an integrated organic social media plan.


Let’s talk LinkedIn


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Generate quality leads on LinkedIn

Want to grow leads and build brand awareness? As LinkedIn marketing specialists, we know what it takes to reach B2B audiences.

LinkedIn management

We’ll set up or optimise your company page, so we have great foundations for building your brand presence on LinkedIn. Your monthly content plan will include a mixture of posts focusing on industry news, company events and thought leadership. We can also set up a company newsletter and blog series to increase engagement, awareness and traffic.

LinkedIn ads

LinkedIn users are 6x more likely to convert when exposed to a LinkedIn ad. Want in on this action? Our paid media strategists will help execute an ad campaign that fills your sales funnel and achieves your business goals. We’ll create custom audiences using GWI, an audience insights tool, and choose effective ad formats that nurture leads into conversions.

Performance tracking

We’ll use our tailored reporting tool to track the success of your organic and paid LinkedIn campaigns. We’ll provide actionable insights and deliver ongoing optimisation to reach the right audience and achieve ROI. Our team will update you on algorithm changes and ensure our campaigns align with your goals.

Why is LinkedIn great for marketing?

Establish thought leadership

Before a client converts, they need to trust you. Building your company’s thought leadership on LinkedIn will demonstrate your expertise and knowledge, placing you at the forefront of your industry. We’ll create posts that spark discussion and build a community that wants to learn and engage with your brand. Doing this will generate greater credibility amongst prospects, industry figures and stakeholders.

Improve lead generation

70% of marketers see LinkedIn as an invaluable source for delivering great ROI on their social advertising campaigns. From LinkedIn’s comprehensive targeting tools to diverse ad formats, you can reach users from all stages of the sales funnel. Our LinkedIn ad campaigns combine impactful creatives, copy and targeting to convert users who are interested in what you offer.

Build brand authenticity

LinkedIn, like TikTok and Instagram, gives users access to what your brand is like behind the scenes. You can encourage employee advocacy - your team can get involved in sharing your company’s content and relevant opinions with their networks. In your organic social media strategy, we can help your team become advocates to build brand awareness and credibility.

Why our clients love us

B2B expertise

We’ve helped established and challenger B2B brands reach their audience and grow on LinkedIn.

Social media specialists

We’re a full-service team that covers everything from ad management to content creation and reporting.

Strategic results

We’ll ensure your LinkedIn strategy achieves your business goals and generates ROI.

Ready to grow on LinkedIn?
Let’s talk.

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